Thursday, 5 January 2012

Social care back in the news

Earlier this week a letter to the Prime Minister urged politicians to find a way to overhaul the failing social care system. Apparently cross party talks are about to start again. So from the perspective of a local small to medium sized charity, what are the issues.

Firstly we notice that people who are coming into our residential homes are frailer and yet the charity is being paid no more. Over the past two years the Trust has had no uplift in fees. This will eventually compromise the quality of care that can be given.

Secondly the staff are the key to excellent services. Our aim is to achieve 90% of our staff trained to at least level 2. We are an Investor in People to the top gold standard. It is important that our staff feel valued and are appropriately rewarded. Politicians from all parties need to consider this in their deliberations. These staff deserve to be paid a proper living wage.

Thirdly the impact of changing local authority financial assessments and the subsequent payments that service users have to pay should not be underestimated. Locally for example the percentage the local authority now charge/ recover from service users has increased. These increased payments are putting potential clients and or their families off from using services. The long term effect of this could be significant. Situations will break down, emergencies will happen and people will ultimately require more care than if the appropriate care packages are put in place early on.

Social care is often not afforded the priority it should be. Some difficult questions need to be addressed and some bold answers found so that we as a society make the appropriate investment in services to support older people and those with disabilities.

Hilary Rowland
Chief Executive

Parkhaven Trust Works Council